Dalai Lama


Siddhartha was a prince that had everything and a overprotective father. When he got older his father told him to take a journey. When he did he came over four sights.  These Four sights are: 

1. A decrepit old man

2. A Leper

3. A Mendicant

4. A Dead Body

After these our sights he left. So he became weak and fell over collapsed. A women found him and gave him one drop of milk and one grain of rice and he was revived. Then he went under the  Bodhi tree and meditated for 40 days and was visited by two sets of demons. The first threatened to kill him and all the people he loved, And the second tried to give him pleasure beyond his wildest dreams. But siddhartha didn't  give in and became the first Buddha. Then his souls went into new bodies which these people are called the Dalai Lamas.